The name of the Slovak National Party (SNS) caucus won't and can't be changed, SNS chairman Andrej Danko stated in response to the request of MP Rudolf Huliak to add 'National Coalition' to the name ...
What's important for Smer-SD is to keep lawmakers of non-parliamentary National Coalition/Independent Candidates party in the SNS caucus and have them continue their support for the governing ...
The Voice-SD party hopes that MPs, who are members of the extra-parliamentary 'National Coalition/Independent Candidates' party will remain a solid part of the governing coalition, party's caucus head ...
The tax on financial transactions will utterly jeopardise the aid for the people in need, which is why KDH plans to submit an amending proposal on behalf of the opposition to exempt from the new tax ...
The state-budget deficit amounted to €2.68 billion at the end of September 2024, the Finance Ministry reported on Tuesday, adding that the budgetary performance thus improved by 31.6 percent, or by €1 ...
The government decided at its remote session on Monday (September 30) that it doesn't agree with the opposition proposal to oust Justice Minister Boris Susko (Smer-SD), considering the motion to be ...
Slovakia could play an important role in the construction of a new, more powerful accelerator at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN), and Slovak students and PhD students could also ...
Huliak wants to change the name to 'Slovak National Party - National Coalition/Independent Candidates'. He stated that the three MPs operating in the National Coalition, namely: him, Ivan Sefcik and ...
The Defence Ministry is using billions of euros for modernisation of the military inefficiently and spends money on projects that should fall under the remit of other ministries, representatives of ...
The opposition SaS party called on Health Minister Zuzana Dolinkova (Voice-SD) to start a dialogue with doctors and nurses, who threaten to file mass notices over consolidation measures in the health ...
Simkovicova began her working trip in the USA in New York on September 22, where she attended Mass in a Slovak church in Manhattan. Later, she attended a jazz concert as part of the Oneness Festival, ...
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