Australia States and territories select series at Greater Capital City Statistical Area (GCCSA).
Aug-66 60.2 84.2 36.6 Sep-66 60.2 84.2 36.6 Oct-66 60.2 84.0 36.8 Nov-66 60.2 84.0 36.8 Dec-66 60.2 84.0 36.8 Jan-67 60.2 83.9 37.0 Feb-67 60.2 83.9 37.0 Mar-67 60.2 ...
All engineering construction work undertaken in Australia. Excludes construction of buildings such as houses and offices. Data is collected from primary contractors (not subcontractors) of projects. A ...
Final consumption of goods and services by Australian households Guided by the UNSD’s COICOP classification and aligned with National Accounts HFCE categories and concepts Participating banks send ...
This publication presents estimates of the value of turnover of retail trade for Australian businesses. This includes all employing retail trade businesses who predominantly sell to households. The ...
Note 1: Respondents had the option of reporting up to two ancestries on their Census form, and this is captured by the Ancestry multi response (ANCP) variable used in this table. Therefore, the sum of ...
Note 1: Respondents had the option of reporting up to two ancestries on their Census form, and this is captured by the Ancestry multi response (ANCP) variable used in this table. Therefore, the sum of ...
Mineral and Petroleum Exploration, Australia, December 2024Release date 28/02/2025 11:30am AEDT Mineral and Petroleum Exploration, Australia, March 2025Release date 03/06/2025 11:30am AEST Mineral and ...
The monthly CPI indicator is a general measure of price change for goods and services purchased by Australian households. Prices are collected for a range of goods and services (the CPI basket) from a ...
construction of new buildings alterations and additions to existing buildings non-structural renovation and refurbishment installation of integral building fixtures full demolitions of existing ...
The next 6 months of future releases are available. Release dates may change. All times are in Canberra time. Quarterly statistics on Mineral and Petroleum exploration expenditure by private ...
The next 6 months of future releases are available. Release dates may change. All times are in Canberra time.