LOST star Rebecca Mader, discusses her role as the fascinating Charlotte Lewis in Season Five of the fantastically popular and cult fave, LOST. . The British actress also talks about her growing film ...
Have you ever seen the Virgil brand of sodas? To be honest, I was clueless about the brand until I went to the 2018 Natural Products Expo West in March. It was PACKED.. and when I stopped at the ...
For those who love extreme adventure or those who can handle extreme situations like camping with only the most basic of facilities (and that eliminates moi here), Mark Burnett (yes the Survivor ...
Writer Brenda McClain came to me with this great idea about travel company that had more than just expensive travel on the mind– it was about finding great destinations where the you get immersed in ...
Most of the time, I get pitched stories by PR firms or brands or I run across something that I have fallen in love with — and I fall in love a lot. That’s what fashionistas do– fall in love with some ...
One of the great things about Swarovski is that the jewelry from the brand is very affordable while still being on trend (or ahead of trend). Definitely, check out the Swarovski website and scope out ...
If you have followed my blog or know me, you know that I am a music junkie. Not only do I do album reviews and show reviews, I often have the opportunity to talk to talented musicians who happen to be ...
to Raise Funds for R.E.S.T.O.R.E. Worldwide: The Foundation for Reconstructive Surgery Charity Event Raises Funds for Upcoming “Tour de R.E.S.T.O.R.E” ...
Here is a fun cocktail from Mr. Purple (an up-scale restaurant in NYC) Toucan Sam features NOLET’S Silver Gin and FRUIT LOOPS in the recipe!! The cocktail can be found on-menu at Mr. Purple. I curate ...
SBG Designs might be new to you– but once you get into checking out the brand, you will find that it’s easy to become addicted to the line. It’s unique design and creative approach to wearing the same ...
TGIF! Cheers to the Weekend! We all can use a great go-to cocktail that is tasty. Busha Browne Bloody Mary cocktail recipe does just that and more. This recipe is spicy with a serious kick to it. Your ...
Social Media Maven & Fitness Pro Sally Hughes came up with this great post. She tossed it very nicely to me because she knows I was looking for fitness content. Sally has been feeding me workout tips ...