A bill in the Missouri legislature, if passed, would require classrooms to have an 11" by 14" or larger poster displaying the ...
The Case for Teaching the Bible in Schools** In a time when moral compass and mental well-being appear to be elusive for many young Americans, a compelling a ...
Oklahoma Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters is partnering with Country singer Lee Greenwood to donate ...
Significant changes to OSDE social studies standards about the first Trump administration went unnoticed prior to a Feb. 27, ...
When the updated standards were presented during that meeting, no mention was made of the multiple references to the Bible ...
teachers and students who initially filed suit in October challenging the constitutionality of State Superintendent Ryan Walters’ edict that public schools must incorporate the Bible into their ...
Superintendent Ryan Walters has been abusing his power ... In a statement responding to the court order, Mr. Walters said, “The Bible has been a cornerstone of our nation’s history and education for ...
but has left open the question about the constitutionality of state schools Superintendent Ryan Walters’ Bible-teaching mandate for state schools. The three-page order, signed by Chief Justice ...
Ryan Walters, the Christian nationalist head of ... requiring public schools’ 5-12 grade classrooms to teach about the Bible and the Ten Commandments — at least 13 of the state’s largest ...
A court order issued Monday bars Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters ... from further implementing or enforcing Walters’ Bible mandate until a lawsuit over the Bibles is ...