From a distance, Holloman Lake looks like a nice spot to park an RV, go camping, and enjoy the water. But once one gets a ...
The state's report found that a Merriam's Kangaroo Rat caught at the lake tested 900 times higher for the level of PFAS that is considered safe by the Environmental Protection Agency, better known as ...
ALAMOGORDO, New Mexico (KVIA) — From a distance, Holloman Lake looks like a nice spot to park an RV, go camping, and enjoy the water. But once one gets a whiff of the air, which faintly smells ...
Levels of PFAS – often labeled “forever chemicals” – rose to dangerous amounts in Holloman Lake last year, prompting the state of New Mexico to warn visitors about potential health hazards.
The New Mexico Department of Health issued an advisory Monday warning any hunters who ate or captured wildlife from Holloman Lake in the past decade about the possibility of contamination from per ...
"That was by design that those Air Force foams washed down into the ground and into the lake," Kenney said. "The State of New Mexico knows that they (Holloman AFB) have been aware since Congress ...