SANDAG is hosting a Zoom meeting from 6 to 7 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 29, to provide an overview of the project and seek public ...
Despite being less visceral, virtual meetings can provide the same benefits as in-person ones. They help you build ...
Do you want to create breakout rooms while on a zoom call? Here is a guide that can help you do that with ease.
Delaware libraries offer online book discussions and Zoom options for in-person meetings so you can join when you can't or don't want to go out.
A recent survey by Zoom found 89% of Australian and New Zealand business leaders report increased productivity if they cancel ...
Facing technical difficulties and some disparaging online commentary, the Pownal Select Board on Thursday voted to nix ...
Douglas County, GA moves meetings online due to severe weather, ensuring governance continues safely via Zoom.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Saturday the U.S. has not stopped military aid to Ukraine after newly sworn in U ...
Port Angeles Rotary — Meetings at noon on Wednesdays at the student-run Wildcat Cafe at Lincoln School, 905 W. Ninth St. in Port Angeles.
This unspoken rule reflects the reality of social fatigue. In a world where we’re constantly connected, sometimes the best ...
In “Eureka Day,” changes were made to a scene because “the laughter was so robust backstage, they couldn’t hear the cues.” ...
The City of Portsmouth Department of Public Works is hosting an Elwyn Park Sidewalks & Traffic Calming Project public ...