My husband and I started our relationship as a work affair. We were both in other marriages—I was his assistant, and he was ...
Love comes when you are not looking for it. People, therefore, find love anytime, anyhow and anywhere, including churches, supermarkets, gyms and conferences.
There’s a significant difference between men who remain faithful and those who are prone to straying, especially ...
the love rectangle, as I can't forget about my former work wife's partner — reached a climax when the four of us went on a double date. It was an ill-advised attempt to show my significant other ...
When my boyfriend found out about the affair ... he and I didn’t have to work together anymore — I was already leaving when ...
The Language Of Love In The Workplace Companies often use affectionate language to build employee commitment. “We’re a family” sounds comforting, but it subtly implies an expectation of self ...