Boots will forever be the backbone of my winter footwear rotation. What other style can withstand frigid temperatures and pair seamlessly with everything in my winter wardrobe? Every type of boot ...
Jan. 29—GENEVA — City and business leaders are prepping for an annual celebration of winter, scheduled for Saturday in downtown Geneva. A wide variety of activities are available for families ...
After 125 hours of research and in-the-snow trials wearing 36 pairs of boots, we picked a variety of options to help you navigate the ever-changing underfoot topography of winter. The top ...
Winter boots can often lean towards utilitarian aesthetics (read: unattractive), but some brands are carving out new space in the field with options that not only work for all weather, but all ...
Here, I’ve rounded up the best winter boots for women, from comfy UGGs to ski-bunny Sorels. To hone this list, I tried out several pairs of women’s winter boots myself, while consulting with ...
This year I decided to attempt to embrace winter, which does not come naturally to me. So, I added a visit to The Waffle Stop at Grand Geneva's ski hill to my to-do list. This year I decided to ...
From platform boots to cozy, wool-lined slippers, I own more pairs than I can count. If I could buy them all, I would—but the price tags usually hold me back. Lucky for us, UGG's Winter Sale is ...
While the outfit that’s getting the most attention is Lopez’s see-through, crystal-covered spider-web gown, it’s her winter whites that I actually want. Classic black boots tend to blend in ...