The World Health Organization reports that around 2.2 billion people struggle with vision problems such as near-sightedness ...
Fourteen-day continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) traces added to Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) data can predict microvascular diabetes complications similarly to glycated hemoglobin.
Parapapillary outer temporal retina thickening can reveal diabetic retinopathy development in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus.
AI Optics' Sentinel Camera, a handheld retinal imaging system, has received FDA 510 (k) clearance, enhancing accessibility to ...
The FDA’s framework for AI regulation, while robust for premarket evaluation, would benefit from more specific mechanisms for continuous monitoring of AI performance in diverse real-world settings.
Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) currently stands as a major contributor to childhood blindness across the globe, particularly prevalent in middle and ...