Atlanta Jewish Film Festival is in full swing, and this year’s showcase includes a lineup of compelling movies with the theme of Holocaust and war stories.
The Americans had joined WW2 after the attack on Pearl Harbour ... German Air Force chief Hermann Goering set about plans that would appeal to his deep hatred of the US. Hitler was sad to ...
The Russian propaganda prints came from a studio that generated hundreds of thousands of them, and three copies will be part of an upcoming exhibit on 1940s design.
Historian Jonathan Petropoulos investigates the life of former Nazi art dealer Bruno Lohse, who became Hermann Göring ... in art looted during World War II. In the decade leading up to 1945 ...
During the Nuremburg trials, the notorious Hermann Göring declared that to get the public to acquiesce to war, “all you have ...
With the Battle of Britain going badly, the Luftwaffe commander, Hermann Goering ... the most destructive war in history comes to an end. WW2: How was D-Day, the biggest ever seaborne invasion ...
Lohse also secretly helped boost the illegally obtained private art collection of Hitler’s number two Nazi — Reichsmarschall Hermann Goering, who was vying with the Fuhrer over who could build ...
It signified both the beginning of World War II and cozier times in Joseph Stalin ... obsolescent and outclassed by the fighter planes of Hermann Goering’s Luftwaffe in terms of speed, firepower ...
Though rooted in the experience of Jewish women during World War II, “Blind at Heart” is also ... knowledgeable art historian Bruno Lohse, Hermann Göring’s right-hand man who managed ...
NUREMBERG, March 8, 1946 (UP) -- Reichsmarshal Hermann Goering tried vainly to prevent war and only built up the Luftwaffe for use if Germany's neighbors started it, his onetime second in command ...