Researchers led by Dr. Maura Brunetti at the University of Geneva studied fossilized plant remains, using spores, pollen, and ...
The mass extinction that ended the Permian geological epoch, 252 million years ago, wiped out most animals living on Earth.
The mass extinction that ended the Permian geological epoch, 252 million years ago, wiped out most animals living on Earth. Huge volcanoes erupted ...
Without plants on land, humans could not live on Earth. From mosses to ferns to grasses to trees, plants are our food, fodder and timber. All this diversity emerged from an algal ancestor that ...
The way we study plant cells is expanding—literally—thanks to new research from Kevin Cox, an assistant professor of biology ...
Geiger Professor of Crop Science and Director of the Crop Science Centre at the University of Cambridge. He is in the top 1% of highly cited plant scientists across the globe, and one of only a few ...
The Salt River, full of fish, flows northeast across the northern part of Geneva Township ... a journalism major and Earth science minor from Central Michigan University. She has received numerous ...
Petassi; doctoral student Richard Schargel; and partners at the University of Geneva, Orsolya Barabas and Máté Fülöp. The research was supported with funding from the National Institutes of ...
He was invited to teach for UNESCO in Peru, at the University of Geneva, and was a distinguished ... led to a publication in Science and presentations at international meetings and local seminars.
Critics refer to the top refined vegetable oils as "the hateful eight" and claim that they're fueling inflammation and high ...
When he and his colleagues at the French Institute for Ocean Science (Ifremer), analysed ... it forever Jean-Luc Loizeau at the University of Geneva has studied the sediment of Lake Geneva ...