Unicredit has been named "Bank of the Year 2024" and "Emea Loan House" at the Ifr Awards. The recognition recognizes the ...
The Milan-based bank called the stake a “pure financial investment”, emphasising it has no strategic interest in the insurer.
UniCredit SpA has made a surprise new move in the fight to dominate the Italian financial system by unveiling a minority ...
The Milan-based bank said its holding is “a pure financial investment” and asserted that it has “no strategic interest in ...
UniCredit SpA built a minority equity stake in Assicurazioni Generali SpA, adding to a flurry of dealmaking in the Italian ...
UniCredit on Sunday disclosed a 4.1% stake in Generali , a move that the bank said had no strategic intentions but which ...
UniCredit has announced that it has built a 4.1% stake in Generali, Italy’s largest insurance and asset management company. The Milan-based bank also holds an additional 0.6% of Generali on behalf of ...
La mossa di Unicredit - su cui la banca interpellata non commenta - arriva mentre è in atto lo scontro su Mediobanca con l'offerta carta su carta di Mps: secondo osservatori al centro dell ...
E' del 4,1% la partecipazione che UniCredit detiene nel capitale sociale di Generali, quota acquisita nel tempo sul mercato. Lo rende noto la banca in un comunicato nel quale spiega che "la quota ...
UniCredit acquires stake of less than 4 percent in Generali Group, according to people familiar with the matter.
Commerzbank è aperta a discussioni circa una potenziale integrazione con Unicredit. Lo riferisce il Financial Times, che cita persone a conoscenza con le discussioni, dopo che la banca guidata da ...