Today is Thursday, April 26, and as always, let's start with the weather so you guys know what to do when you walk out.
and CJ Christian (Washington); cornerback Hezekiah Masses (Cal); linebacker Travion Barnes (Baylor); and defensive lineman Marquez Tatum (no new school as yet). In addition, starting running back ...
Those arrested included Kendrick Jamal Young, Christopher Jamiel Love, Alex Jerome Bowman, Victor Scott Wingham, Joshua Jimond Wheatley, Travion Williams, Jihadd Thies Gorree Thomas and Jamarian ...
A Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms raid targeting alleged gang activity in South Dallas netted an unusual suspect: a caiman alligator. The ATF-led raid on Monday in the Wheatley Place ...
Edward James Wells, Jr. and Denise Joann Speagle, both of Decatur. Travion Onques Turner and Canzetta Wilberteen Jackson, both of Decatur. Scott Emmauell Callaway and Shawnta Michelle Green ...
For many students, community college is only the first stop in their educational journey. Bachelor's degrees are not commonly offered at community colleges, so depending on a student's intended ...
An associate degree, which takes about two years to complete full time, is usually the highest degree available, but community college students can also receive certificates and job training.