As a surf photographer, Seth de Roulet spends a lot of time paddling about in some of the most treacherous seas in the world.
When the man who invented the sport of wakeboarding invites you out onto his boat and offers to give you lessons on wake surfing, you RUN…don’t walk…down to the lagoon to hop on board. Jimmy Redmon is ...
On a sailboat from the Caribbean to the South Pacific, a St. Augustine husband and wife spent five years surfing the waves ...
There is also an international flavour to this summer’s events. Australian Surf Boat Crews will compete against local talent in the Trans-Tasman Surf Boat Series at Waihi Beach on 8 February.
A lone fishing boat drifting on the ocean with the golden hues of the sunset reflecting off the water. Royalty-free licenses let you pay once to use copyrighted images and video clips in personal and ...
It attracts participants from across Australia and New Zealand, particularly from surf life saving clubs ... accompanied by a support boat carrying four other teammates. It is an intimidating ...
Again, history does not support this assumption. Modern fin keel lightweight surfing boats often need electric autopilots to steer and require constant human input and effort to control these ...