IISD welcomes applicants from various academic backgrounds, including Science, Engineering, Commerce, Public Policy, ...
The International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) India provides opportunities for young ones studying undergraduate or postgraduate degrees to obtain practical experience while ...
IISD is an Independent Public Policy Think Tank and Scientific Research Institute. It focuses on leadership development and encourages frank and open dialogue on the most important issues facing ...
The study used a quasi-experimental study design to evaluate the effect of a role-play teaching strategy on science students’ interest in the teaching and learning of photosynthesis. The sample ...
Earning a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree, which carries the distinguished title of “Doctor,” had been my ambition ever since I completed my Master’s degree in Economics at Southern Illinois ...
A federal grand jury indicted six Colombian nationals for operating a narco-submarine fleet to bring 5,000 kilograms of ...
In order to facilitate quality research at the Himachal Pradesh University (HPU), a multimedia studio will be established in ...
Myo, Z. , Ko, Z. , Linn, N. and Ko, Y. (2025) Customers’ Expectations on Mandalay Airport Shuttle Bus Service Quality in Mandalay, Myanmar. Open Journal of Business and Management, 13, 1047-1064. doi: ...
According to the latest information released by the Fungicide Resistance Action Committee (FRAC), over 30 fungicide selective targets have been identified and acknowledged in the field of fungicide ...