Rogán Antal felkerült az USA Pénzügyminisztériumának Külföldi VagyonellenÅ‘rzési Hivatala (OFAC) szankciós listájára – derült ki a kedden közzétett dokumentumból. Az indoklás szerint a Miniszterelnöki ...
Mint írtuk, Rogán Antalt korrupcióra hivatkozva kedden szankciós listára helyezte az amerikai fél, ennek értelmében ( bizonyos feltételek teljesülése esetén) zárolhatják a vagyonát a tengerentúlon – ...
The latest sanctions comes as the U.S. has intensified scrutiny of Hungary's alignment with Russia with previous sanctions imposed in 2023.
Rogán Antal és/vagy Rogán Antal emberei bementek ... Ezután a lap munkatársai azt mondták a miniszternek, hogy „az Å‘ kabinetfÅ‘nöke szerepel a vádiratban, s egy bizonyos Tónit is ...
The Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control sanctioned Antal Rogán for corruption while in office. A key figure in Orbán’s government, Rogán is accused of using his ...
Washington has decided to place Hungarian government official Antal Rogán on its sanctions list due to his alleged involvement in corruption, the US Department of State announced on Tuesday.
The official, Antal Rogan, has a powerful portfolio in Orban’s administration. He oversees the security services and holds sway over the state media apparatus, which has helped the premier ...
The US Treasury Department has imposed sanctions on Antal Rogan, a senior Hungarian government official and one of Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's closest associates. Source ...
The United States Treasury Department has sanctioned the head of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s Cabinet office, Antal Rogán, for his alleged involvement in corruption. Washington accuses ...
The US Treasury has imposed sanctions on Antal Rogan, one of the most powerful men in Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban's Fidesz government and the minister in charge of his cabinet office.
The US Treasury Department has imposed sanctions on Antal Rogan, a senior Hungarian government official and one of Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's closest associates. Source: a statement by ...