The series delves into the deep, ancient history of the One Piece world, revealing multiple wars. Shichibukai & new Holy ...
The admirals are the strongest individuals the Marines have to offer. These One Piece marines have the potential to become an ...
Shamrock Figarland is Shanks's twin brother. Here's everything fans need to know about this new powerful One Piece character.
Judging by Shanks' feats in One Piece, he should be the strongest character but one small detail has been a source of debate ...
“This shrine binds us all,” said Zahoor, preparing to leave as the last of the devotees trickled away. “It’s not just a place ...
While Alabasta originally had two Guardian Spirits, one One Piece fan theorizes that there may be a hidden one.
The clips cover a variety of different topics from a 1970s Devon Derby, to Yacht Races around Plymouth Sound in the 1950s. In ...
Two historic statues were damaged in Melbourne ahead of Australia Day celebrations on Sunday where tens of thousands across ...