Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau, Chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv and former Chief Rabbi of Israel, was presented with Dvar Malchus, a collection of the Rebbe’s insights on the Rambam’s Laws of Kings.
Perhaps the direction of current events indicates that the era of Moshiach, a time when humanity will find true peace, is close. May it happen very soon.
Rabbi Yisroel Cotlar, Director of Chabad of Cary NC and grandson of Rabbi Moshe Herson OBM, writes: "Let me tell you about ...
Daniel is also referring to the time of Moshiach. This strengthens our optimism that very soon we will see the complete redemption with our righteous Moshiach, who will lead all Jews back to ...
When we believe in our fellow Jews them and see their inner faith, we can reveal it within them and through this we will merit to leave our Exile together in the ultimate redemption with Moshiach ...
That is our fate – and a good reason we pray daily for judges and counsellors as of old, those who can hasten the coming of Moshiach and the kingdom of G-d on earth. May Moshiach come soon and ...
May the merit of our added mitzvos bring peace and safety to our Holy Land, freedom for the remaining hostages, and the ultimate time of comfort with the coming of Moshiach now! PJC Rabbi Yisroel ...
Masroor Ahmad Paddar and colleagues reveal noncanonical roles of ATG5 and membrane ATG8ylation in regulating retromer assembly and function. They identify ATG5's unique non-autophagic role and show ...