Monarch butterflies are making their flight north after wintering in Mexico. Here's what to know about the fascinating, fragile traveler.
Milkweed seeds are tricky to grow. Learn how to save seeds from milkweed pods and when to plant milkweed seeds outside or ...
These late-blooming plants native to North America help feed butterflies — especially monarchs-— at a crucial point.
Just a few years ago, the eastern monarch was considered endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature ...
As part of Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention Month in April Milkweed Health and Harmony Emporium will host a ...
A fritillary butterfly perches on blooming milkweed at Patuxent Wildlife Research Center in Laurel, Md., June 5, 2019. (AP ...
The questions include: What portion of each native milkweed from last year germinated, and of those that germinated, how many survived last winter and resprouted this spring? How many gardeners ...
One butterfly comes so far, and then it will stop to reproduce, and then the offspring from that monarch will emerge from the ...
A study compiled data from more than 76,000 butterfly surveys across the continental U.S. The declines seen in the last 20 ...
Eastern monarchs are known to leave their roosts in the second week of March, searching for milkweed plants to lay their eggs. Just a few years ago, the eastern monarch was considered endangered ...