Researchers have demonstrated a new technique that uses light to tune the optical properties of quantum dots -- making the process faster, more energy-efficient and environmentally sustainable -- ...
Quantum metrology uses quanta — individual packets of energy — for setting the standards that define units of measurement and for other high-precision research. Quantum mechanics sets the ...
Home healthcare is evolving significantly because of tele?he?alth adva?nced medical equipment and empowering patients in ...
Incredible progress is being made in health and medicine – every day we seem to broaden our understanding of how to maximize physical and mental health, treat and cure illness and disease ...
Flagship 4 - New quantum sensing technology to identify cellular mechanisms that could be targeted to prevent disease. We are looking for applicants from diverse backgrounds to address the range of ...
Scott Whitaker sent a letter to the HHS calling for staff cuts at the FDA to be reversed, arguing patient care and U.S. leadership in medtech are on the line.