Alaska Air National Guard Senior Master Sgt. Cecil Dickerson, left, observes as Master Sgt. Tony Johnson, center, and Master Sgt. John Massi, all C-17 Globemaster III loadmasters assigned to the ...
In January 2025, the Office of Naval Research (ONR) partnered with the 144th Airlift Squadron of the Alaska Air National ...
Este innovador dispositivo utiliza el enfriamiento adiabático, un proceso inspirado en la evaporación natural del agua para bajar la temperatura del aire de manera eficiente y sostenible. A diferencia ...
While flying with Redline Helicopter Tours, pilot Rob Massi spotted a bottlenosed dolphin in distress in Corpus Christi Bay on Thursday, March 6. The crew landed along the bay to find the dolphin ...
The best air fryers could completely change your food preparation. Air fryers need a lot less oil than you'd use for regular frying, which means you'll get healthier food that's just as delicious ...
and Nick Massi, the dependable bass player. Through their often-conflicting viewpoints, the story unfolds, chronicling their struggles, triumphs, and eventual break-up. Jersey Boys isn't just ...
Choosing the best air fryer is difficult. Not because I have so many favorites that it's hard to narrow it down, and not because they're all so different that comparison is tricky. Quite the ...
Email Giselle with your question at [email protected] or send mail: Giselle Massi, P.O. Box 991, Evergreen, CO 80437. For more info and to read previous columns, go to
Amenaza en el Aire (2025). “Espero que le guste volar...” Mel Gibson vuelve a ponerse tras las cámaras para dirigir una obra menor del subgénero de aviación, donde nada es lo que parece ...
Daryl (Mark Wahlberg) vive otro día de trabajo cualquiera como piloto de avioneta hasta que le llega un nuevo encargo, el cual acepta: transportar a la teniente general Harris (Michelle Dockery ...