A new production of ‘Macbeth’ starring David Tennant is an opportunity to consider if it might provide the quintessential ...
If it were done when ’tis done, then ’twere well it were done quickly.” – William Shakespeare, “Macbeth” “Quickly” is the key ...
If it were done when ‘tis done, then ‘twere well it were done quickly.” – William Shakespeare, “Macbeth” “Quickly” is the key word for Macbeth as he muses before the bloody murder of King Duncan of ...
Like fellow multi-hyphenates Coen brothers and Chloé Zhao, Baker hails from the total-filmmaker tradition, which extends to ...
No private citizen has ever had the authority and a free hand — to wield a dagger. Shakespeare’s worst villain, Macbeth, had pangs of remorse. Musk has none for the lives he is displacing and ...
Heather Leigh asks if imitation really is the sincerest form of flattery and defends the art of imitation.
Florence Pugh is one of the best in the business, and considering it's awards season there's no better time to catch up on ...
Zahid Rafiq’s powerful collection, ‘The World with its Mouth Open,’ bears witness to the decades-long damage suffered by ...
La Jolla Playhouse’s world premiere musical digs deep into the experiences of Frederick Douglass and the freed Black slaves ...
"A sad tale's best for winter," says Mamillius in Shakespeare's play, The Winter's Tale. And I'm certainly inclined to agree ...