It’s been a busy week for news involving Beaver Stadium, the iconic home of Penn State football. Earlier, Penn State announced the stadium had added a new naming-rights partner, West Shore Home. The ...
A capital gift between $50,000 and $100,000 is required just to qualify to purchase one of Beaver Stadium’s new West Loge Boxes.
Located in the Lexus Loft, our Theater and Loge Boxes provide access to an all-inclusive ... Include four semi-private lounge style seats with access to club amenities including all-inclusive ...
Request Information Each Veranda features eight (8) four-person loge boxes with access to club amenities including all-inclusive food & beverages and personalized in-seat service. Every loge box ...
The Section 405 area will be gated, and non-ticketed berm seating will not be permitted. Four loge boxes will be installed on the upper concourse of the first- and third-base lines to provide an ...