In a bid to introduce the city to the bold and vibrant flavours of Gujarat's Kathiyawadi cuisine to foodies in the city, Novotel Hyderabad Airport has launched 'Swaad Kathiawaad Ka', a unique food ...
Novotel Hyderabad Airport is set to take food lovers on a flavorful journey through Gujarat’s Kathiyawadi cuisine with its exclusive food festival, ‘Swaad Kathiawaad Ka.’ Running from ...
New Delhi, Feb. 15 -- Iconic Mumbaikar: From Struggles to Success Karan Kathiyawadi's Inspiring Journey ...
Rajubhai Dabeliwale established in 1987, initially focusing on serving the best authentic Kutchi Dabeli, the brand has since grown to include more than 15+ Dabeli variations and Kathiyawadi fafda.
10 Indian Cities All Food Bloggers Should Visit Once For Unique Local Cuisines ...