A village gala featuring food fairs performance of traditional songs and dances displays of intangible cultural heritage and ...
Current local time in Kashgar (Asia/Kashgar timezone). Get information about the Asia/Kashgar time zone. Local time and date, DST adjusted (where ever daylight saving time is applicable) current time ...
Much of his work is in Asia and includes many years at Angkor Wat and Kashgar, on the Silk Road. He holds a master’s degree in architecture from RMIT University and is an Honorary Fellow of the ...
In a move to enhance China-Pakistan cross-border trade, an international road transport route has been opened between Chinese city of Kashgar and Islamabad. The inaugural convoy which departed from ...
He said the additional chief secretary expressed his regret and assured that problems that inconvenienced the people would be resolved in the future. Jan warned that if action was not taken ...