The governor was asked about a lawsuit by school districts and parents to undo anti-discrimination protections for gay and transgender people.
At Adath Jeshurun, a tradition that’s more than a century and a half in the making is in balance with a community that ...
This is not a Democrat or Republican issue. This is not an urban or rural or suburban issue. This cuts across all those lines ...
I have been holding a vigil for three months at Dempster Street and Ridge Avenue, where the Beth Emet synagogue is located, ...
HBO ; The CW ; Alan Markfield/Netflix ; Courtesy of Amazon Studios Andrew Scott is the original Hot Priest, but there are ...
Andrew Scott is the blueprint of Hot Priests on screen, but there are more good looking religious figures to obsess over ...
THAT’S WHAT ULTIMATELY LED TO THOSE FUNDS BEING UNFROZEN. Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro said Monday that President Donald Trump’s administration has freed up billions in federal aid that the ...
Gov. Josh Shapiro (D-PA) confirmed Monday that the Trump administration released some $2 billion of federal aid back to Pennsylvania. Shapiro said he “will continue to press” the case during a ...
HARRISBURG, Pa. -- Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro said Monday that President Donald Trump 's administration has freed up billions in federal aid that the Democrat had accused it of withholding ...
Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro said Monday that President Trump's administration has freed up billions in federal aid that the Democrat had accused it of withholding illegally and unconstitutionally.