Featuring 225 lots, this wide-ranging auction offers a distinctive array of fine art, decorative arts, timepieces, Native American and Asian items, lots of gold and silver, militaria, and much more.
In which city August von Goedrich was born? August von Goedrich was born on November 30, 1859 in Troppau, Germany. How many Olympic medals has August von Goedrich won throughout his career? August von ...
Termine u.a. in Bad Vilbel, Gießen, Baunatal, Dresden.
British awards and decorations have many fascinating stories. There are two major categories: campaign medals and gallantry medals. Campaign medals are awarded to members of the British Armed Forces, ...
A series of moderated debates on current, critical, and often, contentious, civic questions sponsored by the American Bar Association's Division for Public Education. Reproductive Rights at the U.S.
Familienvater Jochen steht das Wasser bis zum Hals – die Ehe am Ende, seine Druckerei pleite. Der letzte Ausweg: Falschgeld drucken! Doch die falschen Fuffziger setzen das Drama erst richtig in ...
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