Most of us know something about JFK, and to some JFK remains an appealing memory; he was popular, charismatic, and witty like no president has been since. He also had an appreciation of American ...
As an American patriot who remembers JFK’s inaugural address in 1961, and remembers Ronald Reagan’s inaugural address in 1980, it’s hard not to see the president’s speech in the same terms.
From JFK’s inaugural address, Jan. 20, 1961, with surely the Soviets in mind: “Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden ...
The quote reappeared online early in U.S. President Donald Trump's second administration, amid talks of tariffs, the Ukraine ...
“I'd like to thank my terrible childhood and the Academy, in that order,” he joked in his acceptance speech last year. He added, “Here's my little secret: I needed this job more than it ...
Foreign aid is being slashed across the Global North, nowhere more so than in the United States. Within his first month back ...
Following the horrific attack by Japan on U.S. naval forces in Hawaii’s Pearl Harbor, President Franklin D. Roosevelt spoke ...
Every president since Lyndon Johnson has chosen the same model of microphone. It's also the choice of many musicians, both in ...
His Secret Service career began with the inauguration of John F Kennedy. “A guy came out ... He’d stand behind Kennedy during speeches with an Uzi under his trench coat. But like his boss ...
Drawn to yes men and women - analysts believe Trump is choosing loyalty over competence to curate his team of 'outsiders' ...