When the fly is up in Ireland, all the fishermen in Ireland rush to catch them with a technique called dapping.
A new cohort of chefs is embracing locally caught seafood like never before; here are the restaurants, oyster shacks, and ...
Experts recommend that we eat two portions of fish a week and this family fish pie is a great way to get fish into your diet! This healthy family favorite Irish fish pie recipes come directly ...
Children who regularly eat fish could be more sociable and kind than their peers, a new study ­suggests. Academics said that ...
An audit in Ireland has found most inspections at fish producers were carried out with prior notice despite a requirement for them to be unannounced. The ...
Also filled with rivers, lakes, and swamps, Ireland has no shortage of fish, seafood, and shellfish with which to make numerous mouth watering dishes. Most of Ireland's 26 counties border the ...
Within days, anglers across Mayo and Galway reported farmed salmon in Ireland’s most pristine wild salmon rivers. By law, salmon farm operators are mandated to report fish farm escapes to Inland ...