Mahakama ya haki ya kimataifa ya Hague ICJ imeipendelea Somalia katika kesi ya mpaka kati yake na Kenya. Somalia inataka mpaka kuongezwa keulekea eneo la Kusini lakini kenya inadai kuwa mahakama ...
Mahakama ya UN imeamua kwa kiasi kikubwa kuipendelea Somalia katika mzozo wake wa muda mrefu na Kenya juu ya mpaka wao wa baharini. Kenya hapo awali ilishutumu Korti ya Haki ya Kimataifa kwa ...
Kenya has said it will not recognise the October 12 International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruling on maritime border dispute with Somalia citing the court’s bias and its withdrawal from the hearing.
University of Nairobi’s law professor Ben Sihanya is of the view that even with the ICJ determining the case, it will require Kenya and Somalia to again sit together and chart the way forward.
Somalia filed the ICJ case over the countries’ maritime boundary in 2014. But the ICJ rejected Somalia’s pursuit of reparations after the country alleged that some of Kenya’s maritime ...
The decision of the ICJ in favor of Somalia was an embarrassment for Kenya but it also pointed to the fact that such issues should be resolved diplomatically.
Through a statement, Foreign Affairs Principal Secretary Korir Sing’oei revealed Okowa was Kenya’s nominee to the prestigious ...
Kenya has officially nominated Professor Phoebe Okowa for election as a judge to the International Court of Justice (ICJ), ...