The Soloviev Foundation announced today its collaboration with the Museum of the American Revolution and Donna Lawrence Productions to produce an imme ...
The 16mm film is believed to be the only known surviving copy of "The Heart of Lincoln," a silent movie about the life of ...
A Long Island film archivist and his intern made a historic discovery when they found the reels of “The Heart of Lincoln”, a ...
In times of uncertainty, Hollywood used to rise to the occasion with something to say about it all. What can classic films ...
A 1915 silent film about the life of Abraham Lincoln, previously thought lost forever, was found on Long Island.
The documentary film about the storied scrimmage in which former NCAA All-Americans beat the 1992 U.S. Olympic "Dream Team" premieres February 17.
A piece of film history missing for more than 100 years and thought to be lost forever was found on Long Island in New York by an intern going through old boxes. The 16-millimeter film is believed to ...