The Longaberger basket building in Newark has sat idle for years, but at least one Licking County real estate expert believes ... the building in 2016. Brandon Hess, a partner and broker with ...
The Longaberger basket building in Newark has sat idle for years, but a Licking County real estate expert believes it has a ...
Not long ago, malls were the pinnacle of a suburban ... At the time, the land was zoned for agriculture, but real estate agent Oliver Smith, the project's driver, had a different vision for ...
For many years, segments of the real estate purchasing population around Long Island and throughout the U.S.A. have used the 5,000-plus year-old Asian custom called Feng Shui. The words Feng (wind ...
The multiple listing service that covers Long Island released data on 635 sales that closed in Suffolk County and 465 in Nassau last month. Suffolk communities with the highest number of sales ...
It’s often said that the best long-term investment is real estate, especially your own home, but that’s not the finding of a new survey. A survey of more than 1000 American consumers for ...
Long to Wittig Bros LLC ... 5th St., $63,000. Carl A. Hess Estate to Audrey K. Hess, 117 Poplar St., $1. Jeremiah Twenty-Nine Eleven LLC to Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of ...
SAN JOSE — The Western Dental Building in downtown San Jose, which has been vacant for years, is poised to enjoy a revival now that three healthcare businesses have set up shop at the site.
Long Island’s North Shore has recently seen ... and Great Neck offer a snapshot of the area’s real estate market, with something for both high-end buyers and those seeking more modest yet ...