“Goosebumps: The Vanishing,” which premiered on both platforms Jan. 10, is part of the anthology series “Goosebumps” created by Nicholas Stoller and Rob Letterman and inspired by Stine's books. Though ...
For me, the movie is a smile from top to bottom." It's been 24 years since the first Bridget Jones film, and over eight years since the last one, but Renée Zellweger is back again in the fourth comedy ...
This month’s monsters include an American psycho, a thin-skinned mad scientist and a creep named the Calendar Killer.
Your Monster, written and directed by Caroline Lindy and starring Melissa Barrera is a streaming hit. Here's where you can ...
A new Stephen King flick? Yep. Double the Frankenstein? You know it. Another "M3GAN"? Naturally. Here are 25 horror movies to ...