A transformer on a pole fell over on top of a house in November, knocking a massive hole in the roof. As a result, the community spent the festive season in the dark. Photos: Supplied/Lesedi ...
The bodies of three men have been found on a farm in Mpumalanga. The men had visible injuries and a vehicle, believed to be theirs, was torched. Police suspect the men may have been involved in ...
Mpumalanga police have intensified their manhunt for suspects responsible for gunning down a police commander while he was driving a state vehicle. Provincial police spokesperson, Lieutenant ...
For special needs siblings, the term "glass child" has raised awareness and support, but it has led to some misconceptions too.
Busisiwe Mkwebane, the newly appointed convener of the Umkhonto weSizwe party (MKP) in Mpumalanga, has shared insights into the province's progress since her appointment in October last year.
Where many simply see plains, hills or mountains Tallulah Glasby sees the rich stories that soil can tell. Glasby, a student of Stellenbosch University, was recently awarded a grant by the Botanical ...
From Kaçkar to Kansai, via rugged mountains, luxurious railways, cool cities and ancient footpaths, CNN Travel’s editors and contributors are spotlighting 25 destinations and experiences for anyone ...
More than 500 people have been arrested for suspected drunken driving in Mpumalanga since December 1. The department of community safety, security and liaison said the suspects were arrested by ...
JOHANNESBURG - An orange level five weather warning has been issued for Gauteng, Limpopo, Mpumalanga and KwaZulu-Natal. The South African Weather Service (SAWS) reports that the severe downpours ...