ELEPHANT 2: Hold up, guys, I don't believe it! Have you seen the length of this guy's neck? TALL GIRAFFE: I think you'll find this is an especially good tree. GRANDDAD: The giraffes with the ...
which may reveal why modern giraffes are so throaty. “Discokeryx has extreme morphologies of the head and neck adapted for head-butting behavior,” study coauthor and paleontologist Jin Meng tells ...
Description: The tallest land mammal, with a neck as long as 6 feet, the giraffe is also well known for the unique brown and white pattern on its coat (“pelage”) and its lengthy eyelashes and legs.
A giraffe's neck is extraordinary long, making up a large part of its height. This allows the animal to reach the leaves of tall trees. But an elongated neck is also integral to the courtship ...
Giraffe’s bones grow faster than any other animal, for instance, and the blood pressure required to pump blood up its six-foot neck would be fatal to humans. “If you’re an evolutionary biologist, it’s ...
Once it penetrates the giraffe’s skin, he and his team will have just minutes to chase down the animal, tackle her, and inject her neck with an antidote to keep her from dying. If she can be ...
In a new study, an international research team used genome sequencing for the first time to reveal clues about the genetic changes that led to the evolution of the giraffe’s stature and its ...
It has also been suggested that the animals grew larger to enable them to flee from predators in grasslands but needed a long neck to drink water on the ground. Giraffes are known to have high ...
Animation describing the evolution of the giraffe. Sam, a young tortoise, wishes he had a longer neck to reach the nicest leaves. Grandad Charlie tells Sam a story about giraffes. Long ago ...