ELEPHANT 2: Hold up, guys, I don't believe it! Have you seen the length of this guy's neck? TALL GIRAFFE: I think you'll find this is an especially good tree. GRANDDAD: The giraffes with the ...
which may reveal why modern giraffes are so throaty. “Discokeryx has extreme morphologies of the head and neck adapted for head-butting behavior,” study coauthor and paleontologist Jin Meng tells ...
Zoo Miami shared that it is searching "for any indication of what may have led to this very sad incident." On Monday, Zoo Miami announced a female giraffe calf was found dead at the Florida park ...
In a new study, an international research team used genome sequencing for the first time to reveal clues about the genetic changes that led to the evolution of the giraffe’s stature and its ...
The young giraffe bull was clearly distressed, swinging its neck from side to side. “The animal was darted with a tranquiliser arrow to put it to sleep, after which anaesthesia was administered ...