Pirmo pārbaudes spēli, gatavojoties 2025. gada Virslīgas sezonai, aizvadījusi vietu Latvijas futbola augstākajā līmenī nosargājusī ''Grobiņa''. Viktora Dobrecova trenētā komanda pirmajā pārbaudes mačā ...
Šodien publicētajos attēlos redzams, ka gatavošanos sezonai Gata Kalniņa vadībā iesākuši Renārs Varslavāns, Kristers Aļekseičiks, Kristers Penkevics, Ingars Pūlis, Ralfs Kragliks un ukraiņu balsta ...
Latvian director Gints Zilbalodis made history on Sunday when his independent film “Flow” won the Golden Globe for best animated feature. The dialogue-free film with a modest $3.7 million was ...
Latvian director Gints Zilbalodis made history on Sunday when his independent film “Flow” won the Golden Globe for best animated feature. The dialogue-free film with a modest $3.7 million was going up ...
Flow, a dialogue-free European indie film from Latvian director Gints Zilbalodis, upended the animation awards race last weekend by winning the Golden Globe for best animated feature. It’s a ...
Lai gan "Zelta globusa" pasniegšanas ceremonijā viesi tika cienāti ar izsmalcinātām uzkodām, acīmredzot pēc pasākuma izsalkums tomēr bija. Gints Zilbalodis vietnē "X" publicējis foto no burgernīcas, ...
Writer/director Gints Zilbalodis, making his second animated feature, can trace the origin of “Flow” back to high school. That’s when he made a short film about a cat who is afraid of water.
In a major upset, Latvian director Gints Zilbalodis‘ “Flow” won the Golden Globe for best animated feature on Sunday evening. A co-production between Latvia, Belgium, and France with a ...
Who knew an animated Latvian movie about Cats would win a Golden Globe one day? But director Gints Zilbalodis and his small team of young and passionate individuals have created history with their ...
Savā runā Gints Zilbalodis teica paldies filmas producentiem un visiem iesaistītajiem: "Šo filmu ir veidojusi jauna, maza, bet aizrautīga komanda, vietā, kur nav lielas kino industrijas. Šī ir pirmā ...
"I think it’s sometimes good to have some limitations," director Gints Zilbalodis told IndieWire on the red carpet of the Golden Globes on January 5. “I think it’s sometimes good to have ...