According to recent estimates from the World Health Organization, more than one in five people aged 15–49 live with genital ...
Herpes treatment plans from Wisp address cold sores and genital herpes with prescription antivirals valacyclovir and acyclovir (in oral and topical formulations), along with lidocaine ...
Learn essential information about the relationship between HPV and oral cancer, including prevention strategies, symptoms, ...
Cold sores are caused by HSV1 (herpes simplex virus 1) and genital herpes is caused by HSV2 (herpes simplex ... Q: Do topical cold sore treatment work? If so, which ones? A: Topicals provide modest ...
"Getting tested for STIs on a regular basis is an important action that all New Yorkers can take to optimize their health," health officer Wendy Wilcox said.
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) continue to pose significant diagnostic challenges for healthcare providers, often ...
Everyone knows how important oral health is, but they rarely pay much attention to it until an issue crops up. Cavities ...
Bacterial STIs, such as syphilis, chlamydia, and gonorrhea, require treatment with antibiotics to clear ... STIs can produce obvious symptoms such as genital itching, discharge, or sores, however, ...
Cellulitis: diagnosis and treatment. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. About genital herpes. National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research. Fever blisters & canker sores.
Binky Felstead was pushed by her mother Jane to have a smear test and she gushed on Instagram on Monday that she is so ...