Her hit single "Ma Philosophie" has become a hymn to self-confidence, a therapeutic song for all women struggling with self-esteem. Listened to on repeat on MP3 players and radios, it's still relevant ...
The almost $380 million renovations include removing asbestos from the structure. Read more at straitstimes.com.
Bruno Dumont’s action-fantasy satire is all the greater for its loving, quasi-documentary attention to ordinary life.
Tourists and French visitors alike filled Paris' landmark Pompidou museum on the weekend to catch a last glimpse of its ...
Our dreams (or nightmares) must be connected,” said the artist in an online exchange. She reads the birds as “speaking of ...
One thing is 2001's best movies; and another thing, similar though with some key distinctions, are the year's most essential ...
Serrat makes the oft-mimed French girl aesthetic accessible, thanks to her penchant for messy looks punctuated by happy hues.