A registered veterinary nurse from the UK recently shared her advice on how to clean your dog's ears, including what products ...
Earwax, medically known as cerumen, is a substance naturally produced by glands in the ear canal. It serves critical functions: Trapping dust, dirt, bacteria, bugs (really!) and other foreign ...
Earwax is a waxy substance secreted in the ear canal. It is a natural cleanser with antifungal and antibacterial properties that help protect the ears. However, too much earwax can cause problems.
Have you ever noticed a rhythmic thudding noise in your ear? Doctors warn it could be a little-known sign of a life threatening emergency. Pulsatile tinnitus (PT) is a condition where patients ...
CERUMEN—THE MEDICAL term for earwax—is formed by glands in the skin of your ear canal, explains Brian D'Anza, M.D., an attending surgeon at the Ear, Nose and Throat Institute at University ...