and attachment to the substrate protein by ubiquitin ligases (E3s). Macrophages play a key role in atherosclerosis through lipid uptake and inflammation. Here, the authors show that RNF128 ...
Following the exposure of neurons to N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA), we identified several novel mechanisms that down-regulate the UPS, including the disassembly of 26S proteasomes, the degradation of ...
ABSTRACT: Green technological innovation is essential for promoting high-quality regional economic growth. The digital economy, characterized by penetration, integration, and sustainability, ...
E3S' Director of AI & Autonomous Operations: "We are applying our team's knowledge and expertise in the development of reusable XDT enabled CBM solutions, as well as our experience in working with ...
Gastric cancer has developed as a very common gastrointestinal tumors, with recent effective advancements in the diagnosis and treatment of early gastric cancer. However, the prognosis for gastric ...