The condition is most commonly diagnosed in people in their 70s, but you can take steps before then to make your brain more ...
Research shows that your education level can be another big factor. Researchers at University College London found that ...
Having an unhealthy childhood appears to lead to changes to parts of the brain which have been linked with dementia. | ITV ...
RESEARCHERS have reported that former professional soccer players had a higher incidence of dementia compared with the ...
But now research shows that your education level can be another big factor. Researchers at University College London found ...
A study has found cardiovascular conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes, which are known to contribute to brain blood vessel damage in younger populations, not to be associated with an ...
Think your brain’s on autopilot? These surprising factors may be steering you toward cognitive decline—plus, how to outsmart ...
Scientists have previously shown health in mid-life affects your risk of poor brain health in later years but Oxford University researchers have now found evidence that the seeds may be sown much earl ...
Researchers have identified genetic variations in brain cells, particularly microglia and oligodendrocytes, that influence ...
Several recent studies have suggested HRT is a risk factor in various conditions, notably Alzheimer's - now UK boffins have ...