A living being belonging to the human race is ready to accept rebirth, afterlife, paradise or even hell—but not death! Why do ...
Texas authorities on Wednesday announced the first measles death in the state's outbreak of the highly contagious disease. The death, of a school-age child, is the first measles death in the U.S.
A growing number of new studies have found that, at least for some cells, death isn’t the end, but the beginning of something ...
Thailand has long positioned itself as a champion of gender equality and made various pledges at the international level to ...
The unvaccinated school-age child is the first confirmed fatality in Texas’s worst measles outbreak in three decades.
The COVID-19 vaccine has prompted more than 10 times as many reports of adverse symptoms than the measles vaccine.
The first measles death in the growing outbreak in West Texas was a school-aged child.
One of the public health threats close to my heart is the future of vaccines and the emerging measles epidemic. Misinformation has usurped science.
Officials say the school-aged child was not vaccinated and was hospitalized in Lubbock last week after testing positive for ...
With his controversial exhibition, “And Now You Care,” artist Marco Evaristti is hoping to shed light on the cruelty of ...
"The Monkey" tries its paws at reaching the heights of other gruesome franchises, but can't match their heart.
(CNN) — The first measles death in the growing outbreak in West Texas was a school-aged child. The child was unvaccinated and ...