Here's another look at my DIY feeders and drinkers with a chat and walk around the pen. Also, talk a little in the beginning about fermenting feed. Link to DIY feeder: <a href=" Link to Dog Proof Fenc ...
I was fed up with chicken feeders that made a big mess by dropping feed all over the ground so I have designed my own chicken/duck feeder made from everyday bins or buckets, which keeps the feed in ...
This is a great approach if you can't afford fancy feeders or big bags of seed, and want to DIY feeders to attract birds on a budget. "Mixed berry and grape jelly is great for orioles," Tyrell said, ...
The annual No Trousers Tube ride has taken place despite plunging temperatures in the capital. Trouserless passengers were seen across the London Underground network including in Westminster ...
Plastic-based toothpaste tubes have traditionally been hard to recycle, with their flexible layers of mixed materials a thorn in the side of council recycling schemes and diligent recyclers alike.
This approach can produce whimsical covers for cookie jars and plant pots, fancy coffee cup sleeves, and more. Running low on petals but have lots of uncut cardboard tubes? Use those toilet paper ...
[Simon] wrote in to tell us about a headphone tube amp that he just built. It is based on schematics at that were actually featured on Hackaday in the past. [Simon’s ...