Bagdasarian also recommends ensuring kids take in a lot of fluids and said over the counter medicines like Tylenol and ...
A mother ‘thought it was April Fool’s Day’ when a doctor said her baby had contracted herpes in the eye from a kiss. ...
Dr. Bhargava The most important thing about a fever in a baby or an older child, no matter what the age of a child is how the child looks as well. So if you have an older child that's four years ...
They have hot flushed skin and may be sweating. In the early stages of fever, a baby or child may have a raised temperature but complain they feel cold and they may look pale. They may also complain ...
UMERKOTE: A one-month-old branded with hot iron more than 40 times was among two kids who received inhuman treatment and were admitted to separate hospitals for ...
According to Ayurveda, they help treat fever very efficiently. Before you get your hands on the OTC drugs to treat common cold or seasonal flu, try China rose leaves to get relief from your symptoms.