A narrow strip of land littered with garbage along the York County Heritage Rail Trail and Codorus Creek has sparked a big neighborly dispute — between the municipal governments of North York and York ...
A 56-acre tract of land that includes restored historic buildings, a creek and agricultural land was donated to the Lancaster ...
The Lancaster Conservancy announced on Tuesday it had acquired 56 acres of historic land in York County, donated by the Graham family. Related video above: Effort to preserve Underground Railroad site ...
The preserve will be renamed the Ingrid Graham Historic Hellam Nature Preserve and will become part of the Hellam Hills Conservation Area. The conservation area spans from Wrights ...
Lancaster Conservancy is expanding its footprint in York County by acquiring a 56-acre property known as the Historic Hellam ...
Once acquired, the nature preserve will become part of the Conservancy’s Hellam Hills Conservation Area, which stretches from Wrightsville to Codorus Creek and encompasses over 1,000 acres of forests.
Ibberson conservation areas, and Codorus, French Creek, Marsh Creek, Memorial Lake, and Swatara state parks. “I will miss being at the French Creek Complex each day, but I know things are in ...
Not only did those buildings stand in the Children’s Home’s “fine view” from near the top of a hill, but so did fine farmland sloping down on each side of the Codorus Creek. In those days ...
Willis Run empties into the Codorus Creek. Lettice Brown, MS4 coordinator for the City of York, said the sheen was discovered Sunday afternoon, and it was traced to an outfall on Wood Street.