One of the biggest problems with peel-and-stick wallpaper is that it won’t stick to the walls as well as conventional wallpapers, especially in rooms with lots of moisture exposure. So, peel-and-stick ...
You can now change your WhatsApp chat theme and customize it with different colors and wallpapers. Want to learn how? Then read this guide.
If you have never customized your settings, here are a few tweaks to make your Chromebook feel more personal. The Shelf—the ...
Are you still using Edge on default settings? Find the list of Microsoft Edge settings that you should change to improve the ...
Tired of a boring taskbar and standard wallpapers? These seven apps will revamp your desktop and make it look amazing.
We are a research-led school with a reputation for excellent teaching and courses with real-world impact. We are based across four sites, comprising more than 2000 students and 190 specialist staff ...
If you're going to be messing around with SteamOS on Steam Deck or other devices, there are times it will need a sudo password in Desktop Mode. Here's how to set it, change it and reset it if you ...
Find out how to spot the signs of a hacked computer and take immediate action to protect your data and regain control of your ...
Yes, it's possible to change the location to store screenshots on your computer, and here's how. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Here’s how it ...