Actor Bipasha Basu attended the second grand wedding reception of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant in Mumbai on Sunday. She chose to wear a Torani saree worth Rs 99,500 for the event. Bipasha was ...
READ ALSO: Vijay Varma-Tamannaah Bhatia, Bipasha Basu-Kara Singh Grover, Saif Ali Khan: Celebs dazzle at Ramesh Taurani's Diwali bash The Ishq Vishk Rebound cast—Jibraan Khan, Pashmina Roshan ...
Bipasha Basu and Karan Singh Grover are expecting their first child. The actress has been setting major maternity fashion goals. Bipasha opted for a pink Benarasi saree for her traditional baby shower ...
Vidya Balan wore a Sabyasachi red saree made of Madras silk with a heavy gold border on her wedding day, completing the look with a matching blouse. Bipasha Basu looked elegant in a striking red and ...