Bryan "Catfish" Konczak caught a big flathead catfish at Braidwood Lake last week to earn Fish of the Week honors. Surveys by ...
Olivia Hoffman caught a huge blue catfish on the James River weighing 60 pounds. Barry Buckner Jr. caught a flathead catfish on Claytor Lake To send in your Big Ol’Fish email George Noleff at ...
White bass or sandbass as they are called in North Texas is one of the most widely dispersed and often easiest to catch of all the species we anglers target. Did I mention they are also excellent ...
Like channel cats, they have a reputation as being easier to catch than a big blue or a giant flathead. These fish are efficient scavengers that spend most of their lives rummaging around the bottom.
Friday afternoon, my friend Warren and I got the kayaks out to do a little fishing of a different kind — magnet fishing.
People usually equate a river to catfish and the Sabine does not disappoint ... Live bait will be needed to catch a Flathead and a small perch is hard to beat. We can’t really talk about ...
State wildlife officials are encouraging anglers to grab their fishing poles and take advantage of a unique opportunity to ...
Flathead nearly doubled the team score of second-place Missoula Big Sky. “Overall, I feel like we performed really well,” Bravettes coach Amber Downing said after the Western AA.
A large section of the north shore on Flathead Lake between Somers and Bigfork is now closed to public access to support ...
Billings West comes into the tournament as the favorites in the team race, but Flathead hopes to be a thorn in the Golden Bears' side. "The Flathead boys are 26 strong heading into the Metra this ...
The Flathead Braves have their new football coach, and he started building his pedigree not far from Legends Stadium. Whitefish native Mac Roche was officially hired to coach the Braves during ...