According to court documents, the incident happened in the parking lot of the Walmart on Pendleton Pike on Tuesday, Feb. 18.
Six correction officers involved in the deadly beating of an inmate at the Marcy Correctional Facility have been charged with ...
At least some of the correction officers involved in the deadly beating of an inmate at the Marcy Correctional Facility are ...
A woman was arrested on Tuesday, Feb 18., for escaping from a traffic incident and posing as a police officer, the Quezon City Police District (QCPD) said.
An investigation led detectives to discover the deputy reportedly hid and attempted to wash blood off the inmate's uniform to ...
MARION COUNTY, Ind. — A viral video shows Lawrence police officers punch a suspect several times while trying to arrest him ...
In the final part of Chasing Einstein, we look at what happened after the mystery man was revealed and his explanation for ...
17 recruits are currently living with each other as they undergo 26 weeks of training to become the state's newest ...
PC Lauren Payne, 26, was sacked by Hampshire Constabulary after colleagues found her in police uniform inside a patrol car ...
PC Lauren Payne, 26, was found with an 'almost empty' bottle of gin in her police car when she was arrested, a police ...
Police is Surrey B.C., say they have arrested a suspect believed to be involved in two unprovoked stranger assaults last week ...
DENVER (AP) — Prosecutors on Friday are set to present evidence that a Colorado dentist charged with killing his wife also ...